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Distribution of study materials

6th October 2020

The first phase of the distribution study materials to deserving students from the fishermen community was inaugurated at FCDP today (6th October 2020). The kits consisting mainly of books were given as a number of financially weak students have not been able to purchase books in the context of covid-l9.
The study materials were distibuted by Dr. Sindha Hyacinth (Chairperson, FCDP), Sr. Mary K (Assistant Director, TMS), Mrs. Gretta Raju (Coordinator, FCDP) and Mrs. Mini Mary (Coordinator, TMS) . The kits were handed over at different times of the day and strictly following the covid protocols.
The program being organised as part of "Pratheeksha" (Educational support to students) will continue in the coming days. The cost of a kit is Rs. 300/- (three hundred only). We hope to support at least a hundred needy students in the coming days. Our sincere thanks to all our generous benefactors.